11 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi


The first known name of the city of Ashland, or Mary, m. d. XII. It has a history dating back to the 18th century. During this period, the region of Alberta and the Hittite royal claims the city has been used as a colony for commercial purposes, Fenikelilerce. After the domination of the short-lived city of Phoenician colonization of transactions with the Person and it is prefered by İon Megaralı in the Western Black Sea coast and in a short time is an important commercial center of attraction for all. Especially in the region's rich forest products (especially boxwood, acorns, chestnuts, including) the most important factor in the development of the trade. in 1973, the Ereğli coal enterprises (E. K.), depending on the Regional Directorate of Amasra (A.T.İ.) was established. After this date, the direction of Amasra, slowly turned the mines from tourism. With this development, the socio-economic structure of the external migration, Amasra, new developments have started to live. 19 June 1987 T. B. was the decision of Amasra, pp.182 district. 28.08.1991 at Bartın and Zonguldak, Bartın province after being in a tan.
Amasra Museum: in 1955, an ancient settlement which arose frequently in and around the portable Amasra, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, put at City Hall. Since 1982, serving in this morning's historic building and four exhibition halls of Amasra Museum in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine, Venetian and Ottoman periods are exhibited the works. Bird's rock road Monument: the governorship of Bithynia-Pontus named Gaius Julius Agullia by M. S. 41-554, was built between the years. It is known in the world. Pastry baking, the statue of the King and the Roman Domination Eagle carved in the technique with the inscription on the tamamlamayaniki each other, living sofas and Kemp nişlerini. Amasra Castle: the castle of the Byzantine period, the period of changes, especially Genoese and Amasra 14. -15. He saw the Ottoman centuries Genoese and periods of serious repairs. The castle is composed of two main mass. The city's other important works, Genoa badges, Fatih Mosque, the Church, Chapel, Kyros Bedesten, Kemere bridge, piers and breakwaters on the ancient road, the ancient theatre, the Ottoman bath, amphoras, Amastris Gürcüoluk Cave.

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