11 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi

The Ancient City Of Kibyra

Apart from the western slope of Gölhisar district immediately Kibyra, deep precipices located on three hills dominate the allocated. The residential area is quite large. Structures, symmetric, the hilly teraslanarak overlooking the Lake and plain no structure of another judge and not cut it in the views. As you enter the city, Ancient Anatolia with a spectacular monumental gate on the left is the most majestic 12-13 thousand people capacity Stadium. The agora Basilica as the up and down, Turkish bath, Gymnasium, theatre and the Parliament building with the planned mausoleum, baths, round-towered Plug and waterways. Assembly binasımüzik is the most Ancient Anatolia with a capacity of 3,600 people in the House magnificent artifacts. The Assembly is located in the heart of the binasıorkestranın is made of red, green, and white marbles, snakes into stone with Medusa hair and people of Anatolia. in front of the National Assembly building in 2011, a large mosaic of Anatolia being the strongest and carrying 540 m² in area, covering the field unearthed the mosaic feature. In front of the Parliament building of again from the late Roman period (6th-7th century A.d.) was a Roman bath and a ceramics workshop. All the architectural ruins of the city can be seen today from the Roman imperial period. Kibyra, II. Eumenes (197-159 Bc), appear to be under the Kingdom of Pergamon. Located in the immediate vicinity of Kibyra and ancient cities immediately after the territory of Boubon, Balboura and Oinoanda in the formation of four common Assembly (2 BC-1. Yy.). 82 Bc the Roman General Murena in the Union in question shall be distributed by the other cities of Asia Province and eliminated the Lycian Union was included. In the period of the Roman Empire, the jurisdiction of the Governor of Central Asia and the Roman imperial period, the City Council and the judicial building. As a result of a massive earthquake that occurred in 23 ad, raze the city, has been rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Kibyra especially A.d. 1. -3. the brightest period in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Kibyra blacksmithing, leather, pottery and horse is famous for its cultivation. People in the city has extremely Warrior identity. Turkey in front of the Parliament building, in one of the most robust and medusa's head, and large mosaic field is noteworthy. Extracted from works at Kibyra in Burdur Museum. Apart from the western slope of Gölhisar district immediately Kibyra, deep precipices located on three hills dominate the allocated. The residential area is quite large. Structures, symmetric, the hilly teraslanarak overlooking the plain and the Lake and no structures are placed in one of the cut. As you enter the city, Ancient Anatolia with a spectacular monumental gate on the left is the most majestic 12-13 thousand people capacity Stadium. The agora Basilica as the up and down, Turkish bath, Gymnasium, theatre and the Parliament building with the planned mausoleum, baths, round-towered Plug and waterways.

Selime Peri Bacaları

Leaning against a steep slope in the foothills of the village of Selime Fairy Chimneys, giving the name to the village of Cathedral, Basilica and Tomb of Selime Sultan of the Seljuk Period ', which is carved into a castle and rock churches. This fairy chimneys, Romans, Christians who escaped alive. Christianity becomes accepted in Rome they cathedrals, churches there. The Ihlara Valley is located at the end of the Fairy Chimneys. The Valley is very close to Hasan mountain and the surrounding area, Neogen (young Tertiary) and IV. At the time. This time, however, remained rather low basins of yükselmelere. At the end of the tectonic movements caused when Hasan mountain volcano near the surface of a wide area including the volcanic layer. As a result of the volcanic eruption affecting the structural character of the area deeply Tuff stones, wind, erosion and other natural factors also appear worn, with the different views and Yaprakhisar and Selime colors created the fairy chimneys. The tectonic movements, in some places soft deeply digging, in some places, gray, green and brown tones is tanelerle crumbly rocks, occupies large areas and a judge suggested. Advancing along the Ihlara Valley that formed as a result of collapse of Melendiz stream Canyon carving a greater depth to the base of the Valley has earned.


The first known name of the city of Ashland, or Mary, m. d. XII. It has a history dating back to the 18th century. During this period, the region of Alberta and the Hittite royal claims the city has been used as a colony for commercial purposes, Fenikelilerce. After the domination of the short-lived city of Phoenician colonization of transactions with the Person and it is prefered by İon Megaralı in the Western Black Sea coast and in a short time is an important commercial center of attraction for all. Especially in the region's rich forest products (especially boxwood, acorns, chestnuts, including) the most important factor in the development of the trade. in 1973, the Ereğli coal enterprises (E. K.), depending on the Regional Directorate of Amasra (A.T.İ.) was established. After this date, the direction of Amasra, slowly turned the mines from tourism. With this development, the socio-economic structure of the external migration, Amasra, new developments have started to live. 19 June 1987 T. B. was the decision of Amasra, pp.182 district. 28.08.1991 at Bartın and Zonguldak, Bartın province after being in a tan.
Amasra Museum: in 1955, an ancient settlement which arose frequently in and around the portable Amasra, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, put at City Hall. Since 1982, serving in this morning's historic building and four exhibition halls of Amasra Museum in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine, Venetian and Ottoman periods are exhibited the works. Bird's rock road Monument: the governorship of Bithynia-Pontus named Gaius Julius Agullia by M. S. 41-554, was built between the years. It is known in the world. Pastry baking, the statue of the King and the Roman Domination Eagle carved in the technique with the inscription on the tamamlamayaniki each other, living sofas and Kemp nişlerini. Amasra Castle: the castle of the Byzantine period, the period of changes, especially Genoese and Amasra 14. -15. He saw the Ottoman centuries Genoese and periods of serious repairs. The castle is composed of two main mass. The city's other important works, Genoa badges, Fatih Mosque, the Church, Chapel, Kyros Bedesten, Kemere bridge, piers and breakwaters on the ancient road, the ancient theatre, the Ottoman bath, amphoras, Amastris Gürcüoluk Cave.

Dragon Caravanserai

Harmandöven village, 15 km from the center of Iğdır province is located next to the date witnessed this Caravanserai is one of the most ancient Turkish monuments standing thick in the area. Tbilisi, Batumi, Baku, Shirvan Divin and work from the moment was used as accommodation for caravans. 12. century surmari built by serafettin Dragon order. Ornament features the system plan and the indoor hall courtyard in an East-West direction from the outside, the rectangular towers supported han form a Castle view diagnosis, plan ahead as the tri-pane consists of three naves, indoor hall in the back of the system. Rich motifs adorned this historic artworks but also the richness of the Anatolian Seljuks, reflects the Organization's powers and high culture to the present day commercial.

Zonguldak Kapuz Beach

The province is about 80 km of coastline along with a large number of natural Beach and the beach. From the East side Sazköy, Filyos, Türkali, Göbü, Hisararkası, Uzunkum, Kapuz, Karakum, Değirmenağzı, Ilıksu, Liming, Armutçuk, Kdz. Ereğli, Mevreke, Alaplı and mevkiileri throughout the summer, the local people flock to kumsallardır. Of these, Filyos, Kapuz, Ilıksu, Eregli Eregli Town Beach, Erdemir Military Beach, beach cabin, WC, shower, Beach Municipal Alaplı buffet, first aid, such as beaches, with units. Some of these beaches, tea garden, the restaurant also offers services such as.This is one of the beaches and the beach to see Kapuz value is one of the places.

6 Kasım 2013 Çarşamba

Seben Kaya House

Bolu,   Seben   there are carved in a residential unit. This is the most important rock houses Agrawal village, Mousses, Çeltikdere, Kazi, Kazi, Left-handed, Hoçaş, and Kaşbıyıklar köylerindedir. Some of these rock houses made with red paint cross marks. Some of the chapels, reel pits have been found. Çeltikdere Byzantine Church in the rock houses. Based on these finds, it is thought that the early Christian era, Rock houses used Seben. Bolu region carved out of the rocks by the Phrygians, and was used as the home. The public's "Goree Homes," said these houses, Mousses, Çeltikdere, Sockets, Kazi and Seylik regions. When they are made is not known exactly who settled in Anatolia in 1200 BC with the Phrygians showed continuous improvement over where it belongs.    The rocks    on the slopes of the Valley and two deep, these houses are square, connected to each other and in some places the ladder properly and dehlizlerle 4-5 storey building has been brought to the position. Left-handed    Kennedy Homes    close to 100-150 rock in Mousses. Located in the rocks here that houses more than others is simple, double and triple rooms on top of each other or side-by-side in rows. Some of them are square or rectangular shaped, wider than the others, and one in the Valley. Some rooms have plastered inside the round rim, large cisterns, wells. It belongs to the people who live here are the store supplies wells. This lighting oil lamps in the niches, and torch houses with holes also were found. In addition, the majority of the houses to the South to take advantage of the Sun and the warm up, some of which looks at with the aim of facing to the West. This is separate from the others to the West of the Rock House worship home group is used as intended

Karaman Castle

Karaman Province located in the center of Hisar fortress of XII century, Seljuk period of Karaman. Castle XIV. century Karamanoğulları, XIII century Mongol emperor, at the end of the century the Ottomans repaired by XV. Kate Castle built as the outer, middle and inner Castle, large and small, have been bolstered with nine different from each other in the horoscope. The signs of the lower structures of XIII-XIV centuries, is thought to be the top parts of the XV century, was completed. This is because the color differences between the stones. Pirizmatik-shaped inner fortress corners of cylindrical or rectangular large non-delimited, which has a regular plan. Here is a great sign and a small tower at the northeast corner of the rectangular again between the zodiac sign. The Interior of the castle on the eastern front, attached to the base of the triangle above the rectangle pahlarla, half a small octagonal horoscope, is a small rectangular again West of the horoscope supplements them. The castle in the South of the inner castle entrance until the big rectangular bastions. Low-arched pediment over the entrance to the rectangle in a pointed arches are an unwritten kitabelik. The circumference of this door are framed by a bevelled profile. This frame on the kabaraların, it's rumilerle a pediment. This pediment stone walls surrounding the ancient and Byzantine age materials are used in the drives. It is a two-story entry Tower province are on the tracks. To the left of the entrance is made of a second period of XIV century the Karamanids in the entrance gate also draws attention. This tower is illuminated by the southern and eastern direction pop-up loophole Windows. From here, by the time the rubble and soil, and as a result the floor elevated an internal courtyard. This provides the lower floors of the towers, the courtyard entrances and doors are buried today with zodiacal exit stairs. The bastions of the castle of wood furnishings, floors and wall built into the stairs and landing ports are provided. No sign of this wood panels to the plot. Also the Castle at the top of the seyirdim and partially collapsed the trenches and paths loophole.

5 Kasım 2013 Salı

Rock Paintings

Hakkari region, located to the West of the
"Guveruk" and "Tırşin" are drawn on rocks thousands of rock
scraped the Highlands of the official. Like the open air museum and a wide area
spread in Azerbaijan in the East and Kobistan this similarity of rich images,
about 4,000 Pieces drawn on rocks in the illustration indicated the Palestinian
area in the South, such as hundreds of rock above the image drawn on rocks.
Guveruk and Tırşin yaylalarındaki rock top pictures, approximately 6,000
Bc-1,000 years of tarihlen dirilmektedir. However, a large portion of these
pictures in later eras is also bounded. Since the vast majority of stylized and
here. In contrast, it revs about hunting animals living in the rich still
provides important information, be underestimated. A large fraction of the
pictures, mountain goats, bison, used a variety of prey hunting trap scenes,
magic-related motifs, stylized shapes and used the old half-nomadic tribes
their emblems.Especially the younger circuit of stylized fair pictures and
emblems, in the North, all the picture and "cunni" near Erzurum,
amblemlerle, to the West is the large stone blocks on the walls of the Temple
of Aizanı near Kütahya, animal images from the very large to show a similarity
with. to all the pictures and logos and Kütahya cunni Aizanı temple near stone
walls made of animal scenes drawn upon ancient Turkish tribes which are final.
also, since this region is like outside Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Kobistan and even
Siberia, discovered in the last few years, thousands of rock-top official. as
we have seen, although spread over a very wide geographical area, this is
similar to each other in terms of shape and contain pictures, used to be
nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkish tribes are now made by domestic and foreign
scientists have been recognized even in the prehistoric periods, so definitely,
especially in Eastern Anatolia region, Anatolia and Azerbaijan and with the
Asian steppes, between the forge a Union between art and culture centers.In
this case also, the prehistoric Anatolia from Central Asia or new from
continuously until migration is done.



Kartepe-ancient Greeks and Romans in Bithynia they located in Kocaeli region of Hittites, Phrygians, Greeks, Kartepe, THRACIANS, Persians, Alexander the great's Empire, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, the Seljuk Empire, Byzantines and Latins, Ottoman Empire, what yurtluk. March 6, 2008, the district has gained the status of Kc. KC's as well as at the beginning of the forested areas and idyllic plenty of oxygen in Maşukiye or nature walks, trout in the Trout Valley every Pocket suitable for restaurants the best tasting meal, you can have a picnic in the beautiful promenade and has been slowly filling over fish. If you want to swim a half hour from the Sapanca Lake in this will be possible.

3 Kasım 2013 Pazar

Ömeriye Mosque

This historic mosque, located in the neighborhood of Gaziantep's buttons in the oldest mosque. 1210 writes in his repair records. The mosque was built by whom exactly is not known, the Caliph Hz. Ömer time, or being the grandson of Umayyad Caliph Hazrat Omar's daughter Omer Bin Abdul Aziz had first and second, as has been said by or about the rumors. Another name for the mosque, also in the sense of "Ömereyn" mosque, Two Omer Crown gate, and are built with stones of ak's niche-land. The Minaret is seen carved in stone railings on the beautiful examples of şerefesinin. Even the Minaret's body is terrifying days of the remaining bullets and shrapnel from Gaziantep's defense of it is possible to see traces of it. Among the public, according to a rumor that is described in the mosque each year toward the decadent and gömülmektedir. There are rumors such as that the hour will be established of the Apocalypse when completely sank.

2 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi

Selemen plateau

Reşadiye-Army border include the historic property is a province, see nigavan. In 1514 the army of Sultan Selim I, along with the expedition of Caldiran in the region spent a Friday prayer this plateau. From that day until today from spring until the first snow, traditional highland plateau market every Friday this is occurring. Tokat, Sivas provinces Giresun, Ordu, Samsun, depending on the County to sell their products in this market, and the needs of the people.


Burdur, Bucak Township, within the limits of the village, surrounded by a precipice, around the Valley of Kestros (Aksu) on a hill is an ancient town founded Pisidialılarca. This is the earliest known inhabitants of the city Solymoslulardır. BC and 546 BC the Persians Vl century Lidyalıların, to take the place of Alexander the great in 330 BC, the Macedonians controls. After the death of Alexander the great's generals, Antigonosun management (307), Antigonosun hands, the city had Selefkosluların the Kingdom of Pergamon in 188 Bc, and Roman rule in 25 Bc. From this date until the date in the colonial city of Rome 395 A.d., and was divided by the two Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire management through 11. continued until the 20th century. The main types of certain structures in the city are the ones who belong to the Roman period survive. The city around two metres wide, 7-8 metres high, surrounded by a wall. Introduction to city batıdandır. Kremna's name, to the appropriate structure of the Greek land carved out, "Cliff" means. The city was founded as a planned grid instance of Tokat province. The Acropolis, a strategic location. Most of the official buildings were collected in two small valleys. Two of the Valley at the base of the Forum, the Basilica of the (Court), the Exsedra (Arched structure) and Library structure. The slope of the Hill to the East of the City Theatre, the theater, the bottom side of the stoa (shops). West sutünlü Street, Propilion (monumental entrance) and the Nympheum (monumental fountain structure) are structures such as.

Diyadin Castle

Southern falls County Center. According to Evliya Çelebi, Tony Castle, ruler of Azerbaijan Sinclair (son of the Akkoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan-Sultan Hassan's son). In fact, in terms of material and labor used in the construction of the Castle-style, very similar to the Urartu's works. A border fortress of the castle of onartmış, he made additions to it again, Tony Sinclair, in a shelter, and even built the present Castle. Traveler Evliya Çelebi visited this place in Diyadin Castle is a House, a covered 600 land Inn, bath, 40-50 shop. But today, these structures mentioned, is not found. However, the remains of the Castle, a castle, a river, and is available in the waterway to Murat.